
Portraitbild von Adrian BachofenAdrian Bachofen
Adrian Bachofen

Präsident Verwaltungsrat

Portraitbild von Pascal SieberDr. Pascal Sieber
Dr. Pascal Sieber

Mitglied Verwaltungsrat


Portraitbild von Philipp KronenbergPhilipp-Kronenberg
Philipp Kronenberg


Portraitbild von Alan EttlinAlan Ettlin bbv
Dr. Alan Ettlin


Digital Experience Services & AI

Thomas Fischer

Head of Business Area

Stefan Häberling, bbvStefan Häberling
Stefan Häberling

Head of Business Area

Energy & Industry

Portraitbild von Roland AchermannRoland Achermann
Roland Achermann

Head of Business Area

Portrait Daniel Hoefliger, bbvPortrait Daniel Hoefliger, bbv
Daniel Höfliger

Head of Business Area

Portraitbild von Marco MengeltMarco Mengelt
Marco Mengelt

Head of Business Area

MedTech & Healthcare

Portraitbild von Christof OberholzerChristof Oberholzer
Christof Oberholzer

Head of Business Area

Portraitbild von Martin-EgloffMartin Egloff
Martin Egloff

Head of Business Area

Portraitbild von Axel HohnbergAxel Hohnberg
Axel Hohnberg

Head of Business Area


Portraitbild von Markus HolznerMarkus Holzner
Markus Holzner

Head of Business Area

Portraitbild von Micha BrandenbergerMicha Brandenberger
Micha Brandenberger

Head of Business Area


Portraitbild von Richard BeständigRichard Beständig
Richard Beständig

Head of Business Area

Duong-Luu webDuong-Luu
Duong Luu

Head of Business Area

Risto Kyburz, bbvRisto Kyburz, bbv
Risto Kyburz

Head of Business Area

Human Resources

Claudia Schaer, bbvClaudia Schaer, bbv
Claudia Schaer

Lead HR

Patrick Schmidlin, bbvPatrick Schmidlin, bbv
Patrick Schmidlin

Lead HR Services

Portrait of Julia JostPortrait of Julia Jost
Julia Jost

Recruiting Specialist

Portraitbild von Fabia de PintoFabia de Pinto
Fabia de Pinto

Specialist HR Services

Portraitbild von Helena FelderHelena Felder
Helena Felder

Senior Specialist HR Services

Lara Grob, bbvLara Grob, bbv
Lara Grob

Recruiting & Employer Branding Specialist


Christian-Hasel webChristian-Hasel
Christian Hasel

Teamlead Freelancing

Portraitbild von Anna Lena BartelsAnna Lena Bartels
Anna Lena Bartels

Senior Recruiting Specialist

Portraitbild von Martin SchneiderMartin Schneider
Martin Schneider

Senior Recruiting Specialist

Mathias CesurMathias Cesur
Mathias Cesur

Recruiting Specialist

Anna-Lena-Röcker webAnna-Lena-Röcker
Anna-Lena Röcker

Recruiting Specialist

Academy & Events

Claudia Meindl, bbvClaudia Meindl, bbv
Claudia Meindl

Lead Administration

Portraitbild von Regula KellerRegula Keller
Regula Keller

Event & Administration

Portraitbild von Karin BurriKarin Burri
Karin Burri

Academy & Administration

Finance | Marketing & Communications

Portraitbild von Stefan BeelerStefan Beeler
Stefan Beeler

Lead Finance & Controlling

Stephanie-Bigler webStephanie-Bigler
Stephanie Bigler

Accounting Specialist

Alexander Wicki, bbvAlexander Wicki, bbv
Alexander Wicki

Lead Marketing & Communications

Urs Häfliger, bbvUrs Häfliger, bbv
Urs Häfliger

Senior Marketing & Communications Manager


Portraitbild von Roman ArnoldRoman Arnold
Roman Arnold

Lead IT

Portraitbild von Rafael WickiRafael Wicki
Rafael Wicki

Professional System Administrator

Borut Giger, bbvBorut Giger, bbv
Borut Giger

Professional Application Manager

Sandro Fischer, bbvSandro Fischer, bbv
Sandro Fischer

ICT Supporter


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